Monday, June 1, 2009

Culture Shock

Today's class was shocking. I am a business student of the Kelley School of Business experiencing a different aspect of learning. As Beth Lykins walked through the door, I was wondering why in the world was she not talking. Does she always greet her students with silence? She sat in her chair, still not saying a word, while students started asking her questions. She said nothing. My mind was racing to what on earth did I just get myself into! She then loaded up two sound clips that were voice mails to herself but projected through the sound system in the classroom.

The voice mails were talking about the past and the future. She said that she was not in the classroom but she really was....mind boggling. We were then asked through the sound of her voice from the speakers that we were suppose to discuss what we thought about TIME. Thoughts went racing through my head but I just could not form words to even describe time.

I thought as a business student time is important when going to interviews. In some of my previous businesses classes, if we were late we were considered as not in class. If we were not in class for so many days, we would be kicked out. As an athlete, I thought about time being a measurement. A millisecond is very valuable to an athlete because it determines whether or not you earn the first place medal. I also thought about previous websites and videos that I asked my sister, Aly, to make for a presentation for one of my business classes. Aly made me a commercial and I did not consider how much time it took her to make a 30 second commercial. Hey! It is only 30 long can it take?? Little did I know that a video takes more than seconds, more than minutes, it takes days to make a video look the way it does when it reaches the end consumer.

Going to this class tonight was a culture shock. I am excited about what is to come and what I will learn to become more creative.

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